Sign in For International Broadcasters, Distributors, Licensees DRAMA Sacred Monsters 聖なる怪物たちOn a rainy night, a pregnant woman rushes to Okubo Memorial Hospital. A young doctor, Kengo Shiba, performs a C-section and safely delivers a baby boy. But it is not his area of expertise and the mother dies shortly thereafter, leaving the baby all alone and without any identification. Kengo thinks this is just a coincidence. But is it? Doctors, nurses, educators... These respectable individuals get caught up in their own desires and begin to lose sight of their paths in their life. Kengo will attempt to uncover the truths despite all the lies and expectations placed on his shoulders. Cast
Masaki Okada (岡田将生)Ai Kato (加藤あい) Miki Nakatani (中谷美紀) Aya Omasa (大政絢) Ikkei Watanabe (渡辺いっけい) Fumiyo Kohinata (小日向文世) Masanobu Katsumura (勝村政信) Hiroki Hasegawa (長谷川博己) Anne Suzuki (鈴木杏) Mitsuru Hirata (平田満) Scenario Writer
Naoya Takayama (高山直也)Production Year
2012/01 -
Male / 20-34Male / 35-49 Male / 50~ Female / 20-34 Female /35-49 Female /50~ Duration & Episodes
54min x 7ep, 69min x 1ep (2012)